“Wow, this is a real plot twist!” Surely you have often heard the term plot twist? But do you already know what a plot twist means? And what are the types of plot twists in films? Let’s discuss it!

What Are Plot Twists?

A plot twist is a plot twist or twists in a story. In other words, a plot twist will present an unexpected storyline or even give a surprise effect. So that’s why the term plot twist is increasingly being used in everyday conversation.

Previously, we released articles about 3 things to pay attention to in making plot twists and 6 films with the most epic plot twists. If interested, click on the link right away.

Okay, now we discuss the types of plot twists in films. There are at least 7 types of plot twists that we often encounter. Anything? Let’s discuss them one by one!

Types of Plot Twists



Anagnorisis means “discovery”. This type of plot twist occurs when the protagonist suddenly recognizes/realizes something about himself or about another character. Examples of films: The Sixth Sense (1999), The Others (2001).

False Protagonist

As the name implies, a false protagonist or false protagonist is a type of plot twist whose plot leads the audience to believe one of the characters as the protagonist of the story. However, at one point in the story, it turns out that this character is not the protagonist.

Deus Ex Machina

Deus ex machina is taken from the Latin for “God out of the machine”, meaning an unexpected event or help from God that suddenly appears and helps characters who are in trouble, without considering the elements of cause and effect.

The Game


An unexpected solution that turns things around, and usually benefits the protagonist. Peripeteia is similar to Deus ex Machina, but the difference is that with Deus ex Machina, Peripeteia must be in a logical framework (cause and effect) that already exists in the story. Example of a film: The Game (1997).

Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice

Poetic justice occurs when a character is rewarded or punished for his actions. Poetic justice is often used for stories that want to give an element of sweet revenge to the role of the antagonist. Example of a film: Scream (1996).

Knives Out

Red Herrings

Red Herring’s plot twist is oriented toward misinformation. The audience is led to follow information in the wrong direction, and is not aware of it, until it is revealed. Usually uses fake clues to keep the audience guessing. Examples of films: Knives Out (2019), and Murder on the Orient Express (2017).

Unreliable Narrator

A narrator who seems to give a story that contains the truth, so that the audience is made to believe throughout the film. In the end, the audience knows that all the stories mentioned by the narrator are wrong. Examples of films: The Usual Suspect (1995), and A Beautiful Mind (2001).

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